The Law

Your licence will be cancelled (revoked) if you get 6 or more points within 2 years of passing your driving test. You’ll have to pass both theory and practical parts of the driving or riding test again to get a full licence.

Whilst driving under the influence you could kill or seriously injure yourself and others.

You could be imprisoned for 6 months, banned from driving for at least a year and face an unlimited fine if you’re found guilty of drink or drug driving. Small amounts of alcohol could put you over the limit so if you intend to drive, the message is simple – avoid alcohol altogether. It’s illegal to drive if you’re unfit to do so because you’ve taken drugs, even they have been prescribed. If you’re ever in doubt please check with your doctor or pharmacist before driving.

Kill your speed. You’re twice as likely to kill someone you hit at 35mph than you are at 30mph.

A fixed penalty notice is £100 and 3 points on your licence, but if it goes to court the fine could increase to £1000, or £2500 for a motorway offence and up to 6 points. The speed limit is the absolute maximum – it doesn’t mean it’s safe to drive at this speed in all conditions.

A vehicle can become a lethal weapon when driven carelessly.

People around you are rarely impressed if they see you showing off in your car, in fact they probably think the opposite. You’ve worked hard to get your licence and that privilege can be quickly taken away if you drive in an anti-social manner. A fixed penalty of £100 and 3 points on your licence is just the start; cause a death by careless driving and you could get up to 5 years in prison. Cause a death by dangerous driving and you could get life inprisonment.

Belt up, you’re twice as likely to die if you don’t.

Would you go on a rollercoaster without a belt or harness? Not wearing a seatbelt can be a fatal decision even on the shortest of journeys. As the driver you’re responsible for ensuring that anyone under the age of 14 is wearing a seatbelt by law. However, if one of your friends decides they don’t want to wear theirs, you can simply refuse to drive on until everyone is belted up – your car, your rules!

The penalty for not wearing a seatbelt is £100 on-the-spot fine or £500 if it goes to court.

Switch off before you drive off.

Want to avoid a ticket for using your mobile phone when driving? Don’t use it in the first place.
It doesn’t matter if you’re stopped in traffic or moving slowly in a queue – it’s still illegal. You could still be prosecuted if you’re using Bluetooth or a hands-free kit if it affects your driving. Your friends and family would much rather wait a while for you to reply than never get to see you again.

The fine is £200 and 6 points on your licence, or up to 14 years in prison if you cause a death.
Passed your test in the last two years? Get caught just once using your mobile when driving and you’ll automatically lose your licence. No second chances. Oh, and you’ll also have to take both your theory and practical tests again too.