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Most new drivers don’t have a collision and deserve credit for driving responsibly

However, unfortunately 33 young drivers and passengers are injured in Wales every week. The Welsh Government is committed to improving road safety and reducing the number of people killed and seriously injured (KSI) on Welsh roads. The Road Safety Framework for Wales calls for a 40% reduction in the number of young people KSI on Welsh roads by 2020.

Young drivers and passengers (16 -24) are a high risk group, and there are a number of initiatives available across Wales aimed at keeping young people safe on the roads.


Local authorities and other organisations in Wales offer presentations aimed at young people.  Often delivered in schools and colleges, these schemes aim to educate and inform all young road users of the impact that a road traffic collision has on individuals, their family and friends, employers, the school/college community, emergency service and medical personnel and the wider community.

Some schemes specifically target education at young passengers, and aim to help them distinguish between good and bad drivers amongst their peers, and make educated choices about who they travel with.  You can find out more about these schemes by visiting the Road Safety Wales website.

These websites may be useful:

Pass Plus Cymru
This Road Safety Wales scheme has been running in Wales since 2006 and costs just £20 thanks to funding from the Welsh Government: Pass Plus Cymru

A website aimed at encouraging safer driving among young people and getting young drivers to slow down in the car. For more information visit:

THINK! Road Safety
The aim is to encourage safer behaviour to reduce the number of people killed and injured on our roads every year. The website includes information on national road safety campaigns and offers downloadable leaflets, factsheets and posters. Take a look here: THINK!

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents produces a vast array of advice and information on all areas of road safety and accident prevention. Drivers, riders, pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders will all find information related to their mode of transport. Find out more at


Crashed Car
Led by the fire service, this initiative aims to encourage young people to be responsible when driving, not only for themselves but the passengers and other road users sharing the road space.  The inclusion of a real-life crashed vehicle demonstrates the possible impact of a collision.

Raising awareness of the affects of drugs and alcohol on the safety of other road users.

Mega Drive
Students visit interactive workstations where they learn vital information on driving related topics.  The workstation that proves most popular is when students get into the driving seat accompanied by a driving instructor.  This gives some students their first taste of being behind the wheel.

Multimedia Competition
For a number of years, the Road Safety Wales Multimedia Competition has set a challenge to schools, colleges and youth groups to devise, perform and record a multimedia presentation with an anti drink/drug drive message in time for Christmas. To view previous winning entries visit the Road Safety Wales YouTube channel here.

Mission Fatal 4law
Powys County Council’s social media campaign, which is designed to educate young passengers and pedestrians, in an attempt to reduce the number of road collisions and casualties. Visit

Drive iQ
Young people in Neath Port Talbot are encouraged to take part in Drive iQ which raises awareness of the hazards on the roads and aims to educate novice and potential drivers about the need to behave responsibly before they take the wheel.  Find out more here: